In October Ann Hayden and Maurice Spector will be featured. Both artists are inspired by life on the Eastern Shore of Virginia but not in the usual way. Their greatest fascination is with the sculptural quality of birds. How fortunate we are to have each new show bring exciting art work to our walls.
Opening Reception for Ann Hayden & Maurice Spector
Opening Reception for September’s Featured Artists Ann Hayden & Maurice Spector
September Featured Artists – Ann Hayden & Maurice Spector
In September we are pleased to feature the work of two of our favorite artists from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Ann Hayden and Maurice Spector are inspired by the simple things that influence the way they live in the Chesapeake Bay region. Instead of representational landscapes one may expect, the show features simple images such as birds and wood forms. Ann likes the sculptural and interactive quality of birds that influence her feelings. Her paintings are mostly large with simple images and often they include subtle messages. Similarly Maurice’s sculptures are simple forms but his ink and watercolor paintings are very detailed. As with their past features, Ann and Maurice will make you think “outside the box” with a smile.
Artist of the Month Maurice Spector
Maurice Spector
Bishop’s Stock Gallery’s September featured artist is Maurice Spector. A resident of Onancock, Moe paints as well as creates three-dimensional work from observations of the world around him. Over the spring and summer he has spent most of his creative time focusing on painting and wood sculptures. Some of Moe’s most recent painting includes use of watercolor canvas but he is still drawn to ink and watercolor on paper. It is no surprise to see humor, whimsy and tiny creatures throughout his paintings. Included in the show are small sculptures in wood and a lovely “new lady.”