April Featured Artists – Lynne Lockhart & Kirk McBride

April means our annual show of New Work by Lynne Lockhartt and Kirk McBride. For 17 years this tradition has premiered many of the paintings they have created during the past year. Travels, daily walks on Assateague and wandering area bays and marshes provide them inspiration for never ending subjects and imagery to paint.

Of course, Lynne never shys away from animals often placing them as the focal image on a simple landscape. Several paintings actually have you imagining the animal is moving off the painting. Two paintings, Whisper and Arcadian are Lynne’s submissions for the 64th Annual Exhibition of the Society of Animal Artists. These will not be for sale at this time as was Nutcracker shown last year. They do need to be enjoyed before they possibly head to the traveling exhibition.

KIrk’s paintings will have familiar themes that show his skill at capturing light and shadows from sunrise to sunset and into early evening. Water is particularly central to many of his paintings with some capturing his love of surfing, exploring bayside marshes or using his eye for workboats. He and Lynne, along with artist friends, spent time in Maine last fall. You will see his paintings that are inspired by calm harbors and local Maine color. The show will be exhibited thorugh May.

Lynne Lockhart

Kirk McBride