Opening Reception for Ann Hayden & Maurice Spector

In October Ann Hayden and Maurice Spector will be featured. Both artists are inspired by life on the Eastern Shore of Virginia but not in the usual way. Their greatest fascination is with the sculptural quality of birds. How fortunate we are to have each new show bring exciting art work to our walls.

First Friday – Opening Reception & Wine Tasting with 7 Gallery Artists






Join us for “Marching Into Spring” with Leslie Belloso, Lois Engberg, Ann Hayden, Fred Sprock, Christie Taylor, Meg Walsh and Nancy West. We will be tasting wines from Sicily.



Opening Reception for Winter Abstracts


Our February show – Winter Abstracts – repeats a favorite with our patrons. The show includes work by 12 artists. Lots of color and energy! Not all of the artists will be at the opening but many will be here to talk about thier work. We will be offering tastes of our featured wines from the Loire Valley.

February Feature – Winter Abstracts

Art comes alive in February! This is the 12th year Bishop’s Stock presents Winter Abstracts  as a way to shake the winter blues. Many artists return for this show each year but someone new is often added. This year new artist John Beam will show with Petra Bernstein, Abbi Custis, Scot Dolby, Maureen Farrell, Ann Hayden, Angela Herbert-Hodges, Anne Holland, Barbara Mowery, John Nyberg, Linda Perry and Maurice Spector . The opening reception is February 1 and the show will be here until February 27. Below are some of the paintings to be on display.

Opening Reception for September’s Featured Artists Ann Hayden & Maurice Spector

Meet September’s Featured Artists – Ann Hayden and Maurice Spector – and see how their work blends natural images familiar to life on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. 

September Featured Artists – Ann Hayden & Maurice Spector

In September we are pleased to feature the work of two of our favorite artists from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Ann Hayden and Maurice Spector are inspired by the simple things that influence the way they live in the Chesapeake Bay region. Instead of representational landscapes one may expect, the show features simple images such as birds and wood forms. Ann likes the sculptural and interactive quality of birds that influence her feelings. Her paintings are mostly large with simple images and often they include subtle messages. Similarly Maurice’s sculptures are simple forms but his ink and watercolor paintings are very detailed. As with their past features, Ann and Maurice will make you think “outside the box” with a smile.

Opening Reception for Ann Hayden, September’s Featured Artist

Prom King 40x30 oil on canvas by Ann Hayden

September’s Featured Artist – Ann Hayden

Come see Ann’s second show at Bishop’s Stock. The title is “Hey, Are You Looking at Me?” Once again Ann is captivated by “life” around her home on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.

Ann Hayden Featured in September

Prom King 40x30 oil on canvas by Ann HaydenI'm Starving, Where is That Bitch 30x40 oil on canvas by Ann HaydenI Have Seen the Moment of My Greatness Flutter 28x2 oil on canvas by Ann Hayden

“Hey, You Looking at Me?”

Ann Hayden has titled her second show with us in tribute to the curiosity she observes in the birds she watches near her home on the Eastern Shore of Virgina. While her first show “Flyby” caught birds in flight, this show captures their inquisitive nature. Once again she focuses on the sculptural quality of birds but this time her subjects seem to be posing for the observer. It is clear Ann finds the shapes fun to paint offering great poses and humor with titles contributed by her friend Phyllis Ward.