Opening Reception for Mary Pritchard

Chestertown pastel artist, Mary Pritchard, is being featured in July. She will be in the gallery during First Friday hours.

April Featured Artists – Lynne Lockhart & Kirk McBride






April is one of our favorite months at Bishop’s Stock with spring colors, warmer days and best of all, new work by Lynne Lockhart and Kirk McBride.  While we feature Lockhart’s and McBride’s work all year, this is when patrons get to see an extensive show of their latest paintings. The work in the show includes Lynne’s wonderful animals in their natural setting and Kirk’s city and small town architecture, landscapes, and working boats. As our patrons know Lockhart captures animal behaviors and attitudes wherever she catches her subjects. McBride is known for his expertise in using light and shadows to capture atmospheric influences on his subjects. Two of Lockhart’s paintings in the show have been submitted to the Society of Animal Artists for their annual show that tours the country. She is a Signature Member of this international organization. McBride is a Signature Member of the Mid Atlantic Plein Air Painters and also a Signature Member of the American Society of Marine Artists. All paintings in the show may be viewed in albums at http://www.facebook/BishopsStock.

March Featured Artists – A Group Show by Gallery Artists

Welcome Spring with New Work by Gallery Artists

As spring begins to visit us with 60 degree temperatures, budding trees and blooming daffodils, we ask our gallery artists to show work that is just coming out of their “winter” studio time. A group show is the best way to catch up with new work so our March feature is a selection of work by Erick Sahler, Scot Dolby, Lois Engberg, Linda Epstein, Angela Herbert-Hodges, Nancy Mysak, Carole Boggeman Peirson, Jim Rehak, Fred Sprock, Christie Taylor and Nancy West.

Opening Reception for Martha Graham & Louise Dusinberre

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Our featured artists, mother-daughter  Martha Graham and Louise Dusinberre, will offer insight into their creative inspiration. Visit with them and taste our October wines from Portugal.

Opening Reception for Jim Rehak



Our September feature is Jim Rehak. Come and see his new work and hear the New York Connection. Our tasting wines are from France.

Opening Reception for New Work by Lynne Lockhart & Kirk McBride

McBride - Busted Flatbed 12x12Lockhart - Hay for Breakfast 16x20 (2)

Our April show is New Work by Lynne Lockhart and Kirk McBride. The show includes 42 paintings that have been completed in the past 6 months.

Opening Reception for New Work by Gallery Artists

Connector  9x12 on wood  3-2-2-16

March features new work by a number of gallery artists with  two new new artists being introduced – Greg Challenger and Carroll Klingelhofer. Music by the New York Connection from 6-8.

Opening Reception for Christie Taylor & Fred Sprock


FS Adrift  14-5-4-15  22x28

Ctaylor image

In September Christie Taylor is joining Fred Sprock as featured artists. Sprock has shown with us several times but this will be a “first” for Taylor. Having relocated to the Eastern Shore from Charlotte, NC, Taylor and Sprock have focused more time on their painting.


Opening Reception, Book Signing & Wine Tasting with Gary Pendleton

Book Come meet Gary Pendleton and see his plein air paintings done through out the Mid-Atlantic area. He will have copies of 100 Plein Air Painters of the Mid-Atlantic to sell and sign during the opening. Other paintings being shown in May were done by artists in Paint Snow Hill 2015 held in April.

Opening Reception & Wine Tasting for New Work by Lynne Lockhart & Kirk McBride

KM Hanging Around 20x20 $3000LL Gallop 8x8 $750

It is a sure sign that spring is here when Bishop’s Stock features new work by Lynne Lockhart and Kirk McBride. During the fall and winter they create new work in their studios and then let us offer our patrons a “first look” at their wonderful paintings.