Come meet Linda Epstein who considers herself a “contemporary realist.” Her paintings are figurative but they are not just portraits since she connects the animal’s behavior and human interactions.
Fine Art, Craft & Wine
Come meet Linda Epstein who considers herself a “contemporary realist.” Her paintings are figurative but they are not just portraits since she connects the animal’s behavior and human interactions.
Last fall Linda Epstein told me about a wonderful show she had at the North End Gallery in Leondardtown. When planning our 2015 calendar I knew this would be a great feature for Bishop’s Stock in October.
The show is called Epstein’s Zoological Exposition and it is an exhibition of small paintings resulting from year long observations of the animal life within a mile of her home – with a few noted exceptions. Partly, the idea for this show came from Linda’s respect for the great nineteenth century painters who carried their equipment west to paint the marvelous beauty they found in America’s New Territory. The canvases they brought back east were displayed in expositions that influenced the creation of National Parks. Their style of painting became known as “luminism”, for its soft light emphasizing tranquility and reflectiveness. Following this tradition, Linda has created small portraits of the creatures she has observed near her home along the Pocomoke River. To learn more about Linda and her work check her website.
In September Christie Taylor is joining Fred Sprock as featured artists. Sprock has shown with us several times but this will be a “first” for Taylor. Having relocated to the Eastern Shore from Charlotte, NC, Taylor and Sprock have focused more time on their painting.
Lois Engberg and Carole Boggemann are featured artists for August. Come meet them and see why their shared interest in painting has created a friendship. Both paint in the classical tradition with great emphasis on light.
In August we will bring two of our artists together. Lois Engberg and Carole Boggemann Peirson have become friends through shared painting experiences. If you know their work it is easy to see why they enjoy painting with each other and exploring exhibits and events together. They both paint in oil in the classical tradition with a strong emphasis on light. Lois is strongly influenced by the Old Masters and paints mostly still life subjects straight from her garden. In recent years she has taken more interest in plein air painting. With her Dutch background Carole is also known for her classic still lifes and florals, but her main focus is now painting plein air landscapes using these studies for studio work. Both Lois and Carole teach oil painting to adults. Links to their websites are listed on our Artist page.
Nancy Richards West will be in the gallery as our July Artist-in-Residence. Come see her work and watch her paint. We will be offering tastes of our featured wines from South Africa.
This month Hunter Nesbitt will greet you at the gallery. His work is very minimal landscapes done in pastel and oil.
It is a sure sign that spring is here when Bishop’s Stock features new work by Lynne Lockhart and Kirk McBride. During the fall and winter they create new work in their studios and then let us offer our patrons a “first look” at their wonderful paintings.
March is a great time to show new work by our artists. Some of the paintings are fresh off the easel while others were done in recent months. It is always interesting to see what imagery and subjects come off their canvases and paper. Some of our artists stay with the same medium and representational subjects while others explore different techniques and vary what they want to paint. It is always refreshing to see what direction they take. Included in the show are Leslie Belloso, Carole Boggemann Peirson, Scot Dolby, Lynne Lockhart, Kirk McBride, Jim Rehak, Fred Sprock, Roxanne Weidele and Nancy West.
Come visit with Lynne Lockhart and Kirk McBride and see the paintings they have in our Studio Sweep Sale as well as new work being shown. They will offer tastes of our December wines.
Throughout January and February gallery walls will continue to show paintings by a number of our artists - Eva Carson, Scot Dolby, Lois Engberg, Lynne Lockhart, Kirk McBride, Linda Perry, Fred Sprock, Christie … Read More...
We are starting 2025 with wines from Chile's neighbor, Argentina. Bodega Zolo is part of the Tapiz family of vineyards and wineries. Opened in 2000 the winery is located in Agrelo in the nothern part of the Mendoza … Read More...
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