March is a month that makes the change of season a reality. Daylight Savings Time returns March 11 and the Vernal Equinox on March 20 lets us welcome Spring. At Bishop’s Stock our March show reveals what gallery artists have created during winter hibernation. Themes in their new work range from unique still life subjects to interesting travel destinations. The landscape shown below, Bunatrahir Bay Study, is by Christie Taylor done during her 5 week fellowship in Ballycastle, Mayo County, Ireland. Other artists – Petra Bernstein, Scot Dolby, Lois Engberg, Linda Epstein, Jim Rehak, Fred Sprock, Nancy Richards West – will be showing with Lynne Lockhart and Kirk McBride offering a sneak peak of their April show. Erick Sahler will be here for the opening with his work. Rule #1 (No Ketchup) is a new take on Thrashers French Fries.
March Feature – New Work by Gallery Artists
Opening Reception – “Connections” by Annie Compton, Linda Epstein & Jane Rowe
Featured in August – “Connections” by Annie Compton, Linda Epstein & Jane Rowe
Our AugustĀ show is all about connections and 3 artists who share support for their creative endeavors. Annie Compton, Linda Epstein and Jane Rowe are friends who live in different parts of the country. To encourage and support their art work they created a “digital community” that gave them the opportunity to chose early mornings to paint in their own studios in Maryland and Texas. These painting sessions last a few hours and are dedicated to “morning exercises”, warming up with small studies, experimenting with materials and methods. When they finished painting they would send emails with digital images to share feedback. Joined by mutual commitment, these morning exercises have become a way of staying involved with each others work while shaping creative habits. The result, Connections, a show of the paintings they created
March Artist-in-Residence – Linda Epstein
Opening Reception for Linda Epstein
Linda Epstein Featured in October
Epstein’s Zoological Exposition
Last fall Linda Epstein told me about a wonderful show she had at the North End Gallery in Leondardtown. When planning our 2015 calendar I knew this would be a great feature for Bishop’s Stock in October.
The show is called Epstein’s Zoological Exposition and it is an exhibition of small paintings resulting from year long observations of the animal life within a mile of her home – with a few noted exceptions. Partly, the idea for this show came from Linda’s respect for the great nineteenth century painters who carried their equipment west to paint the marvelous beauty they found in America’s New Territory. The canvases they brought back east were displayed in expositions that influenced the creation of National Parks. Their style of painting became known as “luminism”, for its soft light emphasizing tranquility and reflectiveness. Following this tradition, Linda has created small portraits of the creatures she has observed near her home along the Pocomoke River. To learn more about Linda and her work check her website.