October Featured Artists – John Aquilino & Linda Perry

The change of season is something we celebrate in the Mid-Atlantic. Since winter, spring, summer and fall offer many different activities we decided to select two themes for our October show – enjoying the coastal beaches in summer and hunting with hounds for the tradition of a fox hunt in fall. Each of our featured artsts, John Aquilino and Linda Perry, have shown with us but neither have centered their paintings on special interests.

Summer is still fresh in our minds with September leading into October’s warm days. John Aquilino’s paintings focus on passive observations of people enjoying the beach. His last show with us featured city scapes that he painted from his “city” life. Now that John lives in Delaware, he has turned his focus to life along the coast. As an “observational” artist, he shows people – families and friends – and elements – umbrellas, chairs and beach bags – on a colorful day at the beach. His paintings remind us that those lazy beach days will return.

The autumnal equinox, corn being harvested and leaves slowly turning, signal fall has arrived. Linda Perry’s paintings show this is time when equestrian interests take hold for those who enjoy fox hunting or fox chasing (where it is illegal to kill a fox being chased by dogs.) If you know fox hunters, the thrill is truly in following and observing the pack of hounds and their tracking skills. Linda’s paintings give a glimpse of the respect for the hounds and the fox, the comraderie of the riders and the pleasure of being outdoors.

Check John’s and Linda’s websites and our Facebook page to see the paintings in the show.

John Aquilino

Linda Perry