Come see the paintings created by more than 70 artists during Paint Snow Hill 2018. At the Old Firehouse on Green Street in Snow Hill there is a preview on Saturday, April 21 from 6 to 8 with a $30 admission fee. The fee will be applied to the purchase of a painting. On Sunday, April 22, the show and sale continues from noon to 4. This is the only time the paintings will be available for sale.
Paint Snow Hill “Wet Paint” Show & Sale April 21 & 22
Paint Snow Hill 2018
Over 70 artists from throughout the Mid-Atlantic region will be in and around Snow Hill for the 15th Paint Snow Hill. This is a 3 day, non-competitive plein air event that brings experienced and novice artists. There are no scheduled events so spectators have become familiar with areas that are popular for painting and will look for easels at boat landings, farm lanes and around Snow Hill. On Saturday, April 21, the work created during the event will be shown and offered for sale at a preview showing. There is a $30 fee that is applied to the purchase of a painting. On Sunday the show and sale continue from noon to 4 with no fee.
Opening Reception for Plein Air Exhibit Featuring Meg Walsh and Paint Snow Hill Artists
May Featured Artists – Meg Walsh & Paint Snow Hill 2017 Artists
April showers stayed away for Paint Snow Hill 2017 and spring was in full swing. The artists were very productive with many creating more than 4 paintings making the “Wet Paint” Show and Sale one of the best yet. In May Bishop’s Stock will once again show a selection of paintings the artists left with us. The May show will also feature work by Meg Walsh, an Easton resident and one of our Paint Snow Hill veterans. Meg is known for landscapes drenched in light and color and she is equally at home painting “en plein air” or in the studio. Though realistic in nature, her paintings have a strong abstract element, characterized by simplified shapes, limited values, and glowing color. Her work has been purchased by a number of institutions and private collectors in the Mid-Atlantic region and she belongs to the 40-member Washington Society of Landscape Painters, the Mid-Atlantic Plein Air Painters Association, and the Salmagundi Club in New York. Her paintings are featured in the book 100 Plein Air Painters of the Mid-Atlantic.
Paint Snow Hill “Wet Paint” Show & Sale Continues
Paint Snow Hill “Wet Paint” Show & Sale Preview
14th Annual Paint Snow Hill
Opening Reception for Scot Dolby
Opening Reception for Plein Air Paintings by David Diaz and Paint Snow Hill Artists
Featured in May – Plein Air Paintings by David Diaz & Paint Snow Hill Artists
With Paint Snow Hill 2016 a recent memory, May allows us the time to feature some of the best plein air work from that event. In the front of the gallery we will feature the work of David Diaz. Since 2007 David has participated in Paint Snow Hill and each year his paintings have shown how he continues to master the use of light and atmosphere in his plein air paintings. David is an active member of the Mid-Atlantic Plein Air Painters Association and participates in plein air events throughout the region. His paintings will reflect his travels and the pleasure he gets from painting outdoors. The rest of the show includes 25 paintings by this year’s Paint Snow Hill artists.