Opening Reception for Plein Air Paintings by David Diaz and Paint Snow Hill Artists

Bathe - Franklin City Marsh

If you missed the 2016 Paint Snow Hill “Wet Paint” Show & Sale this offers another chance to see a selection of the paintings created April 14-17. Plein air paintings by David Diaz will be featured.

Featured in May – Plein Air Paintings by David Diaz & Paint Snow Hill Artists

Bathe - Franklin City Marsh

With Paint Snow Hill 2016 a recent memory, May allows us the time to feature some of the best plein air work from that event. In the front of the gallery we will feature the work of David Diaz. Since 2007 David has participated in Paint Snow Hill and each year his paintings have shown how he continues to master the use of light and atmosphere in his plein air paintings. David is an active member of the Mid-Atlantic Plein Air Painters Association and participates in plein air events throughout the region. His paintings will reflect his travels and the pleasure he gets from painting outdoors. The rest of the show includes 25 paintings by this year’s Paint Snow Hill artists.